Monday, November 26, 2012


A. Thanksmas (Thanksgiving AND Christmas all in one DAY) was perfectly perfect, and by that I mean my goal to gain 10 pounds this holiday season is going right along! Oh wait, was that my goal? Whatever, ILOVEFOOD. My sisters and wonderful mother do all the cooking while I pretend that I still can't boil a pot of water so that I can relax and enjoy the Thanksmas spirit... let's keep that on the DL, k?

B. BOY. BABY BOY. No, not me people! Baby Stevenson showed his manly self QUITE proudly. Yay for more babies!

C. I received my mom's favorite child, her sewing machine named "Baby." I vow to treat my machinechild with tender love and care for the rest of eternity. Oh, and I also hope to learn how to sew. That might be useful eventually... Jess got an iMac desktop (Hallelujer) his laptop is a dinosaur and his work relies on a nice computer so, again, hallelujer!

Merry Thanksmas! 


  1. Loved this post! ABC's of Mom loving Chatel...A. Always wonderful girl B. Beautiful and kind in every way! C. Character, loving, patient, trust worthy! Love, MOM
