Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Rexburg had its first snow yesterday and it reminded me of where I was last year during our first snow. Oh, the memories :)
October 10th 2011, it snowed like crazy in Driggs, Idaho. All our classes got cancelled because none of our professors could drive from Rexburg. So we made hot chocolate, turned on some Christmas tunes, and relaxed by the fire all day. It was perfect. 

I can't believe how much I miss this place! Badger Creek was my first experience being away from home for College, and I couldn't ask for a better place to be or more amazing people to be with. 

Every time I mention Quest, no one understands. So I'll explain it here, and it will be the last time I ever have to! (Yeah right, I'll be explaining it for the rest of my life) Quest is a program offered through BYU-Idaho. A group of 30 students are accepted and they spend half a semester in cabins at Badger Creek, the most beautiful place on earth. We went white water rafting, repelling, horse back riding, exploring, took classes, and met our future husbands...oh wait, that was just me. More about that later :)

  At Quest I became close to everyone. We were one big happy family! Here are a few of the amazing people I met:

Mckenzie (Soon to be my new sissy) She's been there since day 1, which includes the 24 hours before I met Jess. I've been with her as she searched for "the one" but who were we kidding? We all knew that it was my brother. She's awesome and we like to dance together...a lot. 

My man, Nick! We became instant friends on Day 1 as well. He's a great listener and has some crazy stories.

Yes, our shirts do say "Driggs, Idaho" LOVEI T.

Fluffy. He was great! Just kidding he was scary. 

Ariel, Sierra (aka Sip) and Will. These three could make laugh til I felt like I was going to pass out.

Ricky, Will again, and Tanner. Ricky is one of the sweetest guys I know and Tanner, oh Tanner. He's wanting to go to law school so you can imagine that he never let me or anyone win any debate. It drove me crazy but I love him and his crazy personality to death. 

I loved every single questie, like our crazy counselors Mike and Tom who managed to have every single girl fall in love with them. Lauren who ALWAYS volunteered to do my chores for me when I was off  on dates with Jess, Jennica who is definitely the most kind hearted person I've met, Allison who  makes any outfit look good and is literally my oldest sisters twin I swear. Steven who I could talk to for hours and Stephanie who put up with me sneaking in every night through our dorm window and scared me to death when she talked in her sleep. I miss my quest family! 

 Goodnight world! Happy snow fall :)

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